Dwight Mortgage Trust Logo

Portfolio Overview

Existing Portfolio Snapshot

Through December 31, 2024

Property Types

Investment Strategy

Collateral Stats

Fund Assets$2.8 B
Current Loan Count117
WA Remaining Term to Fully Extended Maturity20 months
Average Loan Size$24MM
WA Acquisition / Refi / Construction29% / 67% / 4%
Stabilized / Value-Add (MF) / Value-Add (SH) / Lease-Up / Construction29% / 22% / 9% / 36% / 4%

Portfolio Stats

Weighted Average Spread on LoansSOFR+4.46%
Weighted Average DSCR1.45x
Weighted Average LTV64%

Fund & Structure

Management CompanyDwight Securities Management LLC
FundDwight Mortgage Trust LLC (REIT)

Key Terms

Minimum Investment$250,000
Subscription FrequencyMonthly
Lockup PeriodInitial 12 months
Redemption PeriodQuarterly
Management Fee²1.5%
¹ Withdrawals are subject to limitation by DMT upon occurrence of material events. ² Management Fee is on fund AUM, not loan amount.

Select Service Providers

LegalMayer Brown LLP
Audit & TaxGrant Thornton LLP
CustodianUMB Bank
Fund AdministratorAlter Domus
Compliance ConsultantKroll, LLC

Incentive Fee

Incentive Fee*25% over a 7% hurdle (no catch-up)
*Effective January 1, 2025; Previously: 10% on 0%–6% return; 15% on 6%–10% return; 20% over 10%, no catch-up